luni, 22 septembrie 2008
vineri, 19 septembrie 2008
marți, 16 septembrie 2008
joi, 11 septembrie 2008
luni, 8 septembrie 2008
miercuri, 3 septembrie 2008
browser web de la google
google lanseaza un nou browser pe nume Chrome. mi se pare foarte ok, pacat insa ca cei de la google au uitat sa includa si google toolbar. inca nu exista un mod prin care sa adaugi toolbarul dar sper ca pe viitor se va rezolva problema. in principiu cred ca merita macar sa il incercati si daca va place sa il pastrati :)
download link:
download link:
marți, 2 septembrie 2008
Sentenced to Death for Downloading! Your Tax Dollars At Work
islam, a religion of peace and morality my ass
Safety of the Large Hadron Collider
sunt prezentate aici potentialele pericole ale acestui experiment: link
What is the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science (RDFRS) - Richard Dawkins Explains...
What is the RDFRS? The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science (RDFRS or RDF) is a non-profit organization founded by biologist Richard Dawkins in 2006. It is trusteed by Dawkins and Claire Enders in the United Kingdom along with Karen Owens in the United States. The British Foundation is registered as Charity Number 1119952.
Among its planned activities, RDFRS will finance research into the psychology of belief and religion, finance scientific education programs and materials, and publicize and support secular charitable organizations.
On 2 April, 2007, an online shop was launched on the Foundation website, with Growing Up in the Universe -- a DVD of lectures from 1991 -- the first release on sale.
As of 14 September, 2007, it has been approved for non-profit status in the United States and United Kingdom. In the US, this means that a taxpayer who donates to RDFRS is entitled to apply to the IRS for a tax refund. UK donors can complete a gift aid form to enable the foundation to claim back the tax on their donation.
Theist author Marion Ledwig suggests that the foundation may have been set up as an atheist counterpart to the John Templeton Foundation, an organization which Dawkins has publicly criticized for corrupting science, especially in The God Delusion. Dawkins had in TED talk, prior to writing The God Delusion, called out for the need for an "anti-Templeton" to step up, saying that if his books sold better, he would do that himself.
Visit the RDFRS offical website at
or visit Richard Dawkins' official website at
Among its planned activities, RDFRS will finance research into the psychology of belief and religion, finance scientific education programs and materials, and publicize and support secular charitable organizations.
On 2 April, 2007, an online shop was launched on the Foundation website, with Growing Up in the Universe -- a DVD of lectures from 1991 -- the first release on sale.
As of 14 September, 2007, it has been approved for non-profit status in the United States and United Kingdom. In the US, this means that a taxpayer who donates to RDFRS is entitled to apply to the IRS for a tax refund. UK donors can complete a gift aid form to enable the foundation to claim back the tax on their donation.
Theist author Marion Ledwig suggests that the foundation may have been set up as an atheist counterpart to the John Templeton Foundation, an organization which Dawkins has publicly criticized for corrupting science, especially in The God Delusion. Dawkins had in TED talk, prior to writing The God Delusion, called out for the need for an "anti-Templeton" to step up, saying that if his books sold better, he would do that himself.
Visit the RDFRS offical website at
or visit Richard Dawkins' official website at
cam asa stau lucrurile peste tot.pacat...
luni, 1 septembrie 2008
sa fie asta sfarsitul?
nu cu mult timp in urma, citind niste articole pe net am aflat de proiectul care se desfasoara in Elvetia, undeva pe langa Geneva.
daca nu stiti despre ce este vorba puteti sa cititi articolul din wikipedia.
anyway, ce vroiam sa dimineata asta ma tot gandeam la proiectul asta si ma framanta ceva. deoarece aveam cat de cat niste informatii despre proiect si cunoscand implicatiile experimentului care urmeaza sa fie tinut, imediat am avut o viziune: daca treaba asta e periculoasa si s-ar intampla ceva neasteptat, ar putea sa insemne sfarsitul vietii pe Terra? am stat putin, m-am gandit, dar pana la urma mi-a trecut; asta pana am citit articolul de pe
o sa ma interesez maine daca ce scrie acolo are legatura cu realitatea sau nu. acum sunt obosit si nu mai am chef.
deci, daca e pe bune...... floks, the end is near!!!
daca nu stiti despre ce este vorba puteti sa cititi articolul din wikipedia.
anyway, ce vroiam sa dimineata asta ma tot gandeam la proiectul asta si ma framanta ceva. deoarece aveam cat de cat niste informatii despre proiect si cunoscand implicatiile experimentului care urmeaza sa fie tinut, imediat am avut o viziune: daca treaba asta e periculoasa si s-ar intampla ceva neasteptat, ar putea sa insemne sfarsitul vietii pe Terra? am stat putin, m-am gandit, dar pana la urma mi-a trecut; asta pana am citit articolul de pe
o sa ma interesez maine daca ce scrie acolo are legatura cu realitatea sau nu. acum sunt obosit si nu mai am chef.
deci, daca e pe bune...... floks, the end is near!!!
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